
In January 2022 IETG was awarded a project by Sapphire Utilities to carry out Impermeable Area Survey works in the villages of Melbourne and Thornton, in Yorkshire. The aim was to determine the areas of rainwater runoff that contribute to the client-owned sewer systems, in order to inform a larger-scale project by Yorkshire Water, assessing localised flooding in the two villages.


IETG Solution

A survey spanning 41 hectares, undertaken at a sample rate of 100%, for maximum accuracy. High-quality data was recorded on the destination of rainwater runoff from property roof drainage, as well as paved and other impermeable surfaces.


The Results

The raw site data was translated into a digital MapInfo TAB file format, following the colour and coding keys unique to the client specification, and enabling the survey findings to be presented in a format consistent with the client’s existing flooding investigations.

The results below show the areas that were found to connect to foul and surface water sewers, as well as soakaways.

Graeme Jamieson
Operations Manager
t: 07854 551266 | e: gjamieson@ietg.co.uk
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