
As part of Severn Trent’s green recovery programme, IETG were asked to undertake a flow monitoring programme to gain a better understanding of the network performance within five catchments, across England and Wales.

The stretches of rivers in question have the potential to be designated as inland bathing waters, by reducing harm from CSO’s through a reduction in spills.


IETG Solution

During the work IETG installed over 170 ADS Triton+ flow monitors and rain gauges. The dual sensor technology was used, which allows data to be recorded from a sensor directly installed on the invert vs one recording the Flow from a pipe soffit position.

This help reduce / eliminate data gaps as if one sensor fails you can use data from another one.

The graph below shows 3 different depth data sets overlayed all from the same location.


The Results

The online Prism Dashboard allows the Client to view the data 24 hours / 7 days per week.

The data below shows no CSO’s where active around this monitoring location, with the scatter graph showing good hydraulic conditions are maintained throughout this period.

IETG’s planning and scheduling department liaised directly highway department and land agencies to ensure on time delivery.

Severn Trent were awarded £565.548 million, As part of the governments green recovery package this was to deliver an extensive suite of schemes that will improve the environment and services to customers making wild swimming a reality.

Amanda Drewicz
Project Manager
t: 07966 808978 | e: adrewicz@ietg.co.uk
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